Now the world can smoke an El Septimo Cigar designed and dedicated for each day of the week. Each cigar is dedicated to a famous painter who has created some of the world’s most famous pieces of artwork. Medium-bodied cigars come in more traditional sizes, including the Toro, Robusto, Lancero, Torpedo, Eagle, Salomon, and even the Royal Salomon. Cigars are aged for ten years,
Now the world can smoke an El Septimo Cigar designed and dedicated for each day of the week. Each cigar is dedicated to a famous painter who has created some of the world’s most famous pieces of artwork. Medium-bodied cigars come in more traditional sizes, including the Toro, Robusto, Lancero, Torpedo, Eagle, Salomon, and even the Royal Salomon. Cigars are aged for ten years,
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